A Most Unsymphonic Pigeon is a place where my procrastinations can gather, workshop things, swap knitting patterns, join unions, and basically amplify their strength against creative projects of supposedly greater significance.


I created this blog for the very purpose of housing infrequent and irregular tidbits. I guess the best way to describe the content here would be to call it the spillover of my creative endeavours. Not trash bin candidates but things that don’t really have another home or designated purpose.

And even though that was a very distinct intention at the outset and therefore something I should be very comfortable with, I’m not.

Douglas Adams once quipped: I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by. And I guess that’s the best way to describe my ill-content with this blog—it feels like a giant recurring deadline that just keeps whooshing by, day after day. Even though that’s its very purpose and what both it and I should be happy doing, I can’t help but feel as though it’s constantly looking at me like a neglected pet, starving in the corner of some dank room.

It’s troubling.

Anyhow, I guess the point of this post is to say I hope to get better at two things: posting more frequently here, and being ok with it if I do not.

